Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Cancer is a horrible thing. I have lost my grandma to Pancreatic,my grandpa had skin cancer although Parkinson's Disease took his life, my mom succumbed to colon cancer, my dad had lymphoma although he died because he couldn't live without my mom. my uncle had stomach cancer my aunt had bone cancer,another aunt had breast cancer, my father in law had leukemia. Several fine and wonderful friends have had several types some have lived and some have died. I refuse to memorialize a disease, there are many diseases in the land and my family have been touched by a great many of them, diabetes, heart disease, crohns disease, cancer, cystic fibrosis, arthritis, fibromyalgia, lupus, MS. Why should adisease be memorialized? People are important, how they live, who they are and what has been bettered because they were here is what is important. My mother lived her life, it was at times a hard life, she taught me many things. Her sickness was short and her death was indeed memorable, but it is not her sickness or her death that I remember it is her life, her lessons, and her laugh.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

In Honor of My Daddy

   I am thinking of my Daddy on this Father's day. He passed away in 2001. A wise man said, that even
the worst of fathers surely showed glimpes of true fatherliness every now and then. I hope this is
true. My father was not a ,"worst of the father's", by any means, he just had weaknesses, like everyone
else. I think true maturity comes when we can recognize our parents as human beings, who happen to
have offspring.
   My Daddy was a nature lover, a fisherman, of both the creek bank and the deep sea sort. He was
a hunter, who, because of his Cherokee heritage, gave every target a sporting chance. He was a
wonderful cook who experimented with every spice in the kitchen, and somehow everything turned out delicious.
   Daddy was a prankster to the extent of having water fights inside the house, and wrestling matches
all over the furniture. He let me sit in his lap and steer the car while he worked the peddles before I was
old enough to go to school. He taught me to ride a bike, throw a ball and love music. He taught me to
polish shoes that were fit for army inspection, and showed me how to catch craw dads,(thats one I never got the hang of).
   My Daddy was also a functioning alcoholic. This means he went to work every day and did what was
necessary to raise his family. He had some serious problems, but I am glad that wise man made the
statement about the good points, because it made me start thinking about them. I learned alot from my
Daddy. I wish him a Happy Father's Day today, I miss him.


     I have so many cute names for my children...Pudding Pie, Sweet Pumpkin,
Sweet Potatoe Bread, Dumpling Doo, Sweetness, Pudding Bear, Kissy Face.
The times when they are up to something they have different names like,
Tater Head, Pester Pot, Tumble Weed, Noodle Head.Yes affection in a name, it is a glorious thing.
     I overheard a conversation the other day. A gentleman was discussing age  and forgetfulness. He constantly offended his now grown children by "calling the roll" trying desperately to get the right name for the one he was speaking to. My Mom used to do that, I was called both my brother's names before she got it right. She would say,"You will be old one day and you will remember laughing at me."
     I have six children, three of them are long since grown, and I can say truthfully I never mix up their names. I always get it right.It is a source of  
pride for me (or so I thought).
   My son, Sweet Dumpling, age 21, was a part of the conversation I overheard. He replied to the older gentleman," You know my Mom never does that. When I was little I thought she was just affectionate and creative, calling us, "Sugar Pie", and "Dumpling Sweet", but now I realize she just couldn't remember our names!"

Saturday, June 4, 2011

A Date with Reagan

     It doesn't take much to make a child happy. Ethan, my son, needed a ride home from his work as assistant manager at a local Food store. It was late, past nine p.m. so I was going alone. I was nearly to the car when a little voice called,"Mommy, Mommy, can I come too?" It was Reagan running after me. Since I had been gone most of the day, I happily told him yest, I would love his company. He grabbed my arm in a hug and said, "Mommy you're my best friend, AND my best girl!"
     I had buckled him in and was preparing to leave when Jonathan came and said he and Ang would go too. Reagan said nothing but his face fell. I said,"Reagan, Jon and Ang want to go don't you want them to?" He looked somber and answered quietly,"I don't tink so...tell Jonathan, another day...another time."
     Jonathan and Ang stayed home. I felt that Reagan needed some time alone with his Mommy.And I was right. I didn't play the radio...we talked and then he was quiet, I asked,"Do you want me to sing you a song?" he smiled and said yes. I sang him a song that had been his favorite when he was younger,when I finished he was silent and then said,"BRAVO, Mommy, BRAVO!"
     We arrived at the store and had to wait quite a while for Ethan to finish up so we walked together in the parking lot in the darkness and then, I bought us an Orange soda and we sat on a park bench and shared it.
Reagan sat very close and held my hand a lot. When Ethan was finished we took him home. Ethan was going to hug Reagan good-bye, but Reagan said,"Just go Ethan, just Go!" We laughed.
     On the last of the ride to our place Reagan sang ME a song, it was made up as he went and very funny, and we laughed together. When I got him out of the car he hugged me tight and said," This was fun Mommy, Me and you are Good Times!"
     I think I have the sweetest boy in the whole world!

Monday, May 30, 2011


     I smell my roast beef cooking, later I will pull it and make bar b que with all the fixings. It is Memorial Day, a day of eating and having fun doing exhausting play or being lazy...whichever way we decide to spend it!
     Memorial Day...a day of Memory, a day to honor, a day to take note of what brave men and women have done to keep our people free. I say "our people" so as to make it more real to each person in this country. A country is a people. It is not land, it is not a cold, spot on the map, it is not a name ....it is a PEOPLE. A group of people working together to make a place to live, a place to grow, a place to pursue happiness. To do these things, the PEOPLE must be free.
     Free to pursue, free to grow, free to worship, free to think and have vision for tomorrow, free to make those visions become reality. Sometimes that freedom must be fought for at high prices. When the backs of the people are pushed to the wall and freedom is at stake we must fight to maintain it. Once it is lost ...even a small portion...the fight must be harder, the fight must be longer and the fight MUST be won. There are those that believe nothing is worth fighting for, nothing is worth the loss of life to maintain. Those people are mislead, freedom is worth it. Let someone cover your face with a pillow and we will watch you fight for breath...that is what freedom is...breath..the breath of true life.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


     It is amazing what a box will do. When my oldest children were growing up any kind of box thrilled them to pieces. At christmas time, when they were babies, a box entertained them more than its contents, and as they grew older boxes still gave them hours of play.
     I had opportunity to bring home a giant box that a store had thrown out which had contained a large appliance. My kids were thrilled and spent weeks exploring the universe in their "Starship Enterprise" and running country roads in their "car". They hid in the "cave" and found treasure in the "mine", they chased bad guys through the sea in their "submarine" and visited each other in their "house". How can any child be child, without a box?
     Last evening my 21 year old son knocked on my door, (odd for him), and stood grinning from ear to ear when I answered. He covertly whispered," I have a surprise for Reagan, he is gonna LOVE IT" But can I take it home and keep it for the weekend, before he keeps it for good?" I was thinking, "why has this boy brought an animal here?", "he knows I can't have one in the apartment".  Then he stepped aside, to reveal a giant BOX like unto the kind a refrigerator comes in!
     He brought it inside, to the delight of Reagan, who squealed and vibrated, exclaiming," A box, a box thanks Ethan that's a great box, " and later, "I know its just a box, Ethan , but can we call it Mr. Boxy?" Reagan and Ethan played in the box side by side;  then Ethan convinced Reagan that it was best he take it home and "keep it safe" for him lest it get torn up, then he would bring it back.
     Ethan played in his box after he got home and even pnotographed himself. My son, the drama king. He will be a great dad someday, instilling great stories and chances to use imaginations. He will watch his grown children play one day and smile....

Friday, May 13, 2011


I live in an apartment, its nice. I do have issues with the smoke alarms , however. There is one in every room , they are on a system that includes sprinklers (which froze and burst twice this winter, but that is for another blog) and alarm lights. I have no issue with smoke alarms, per se, it is just THESE smoke alarms. They are heat sensitive and smoke sensitive. I can barely make coffee without them going off. no I am not exaggerating and no I don't burn coffee.

Every single time I cook they go off and I do mean THEY...it starts with the one nearest the kitchen and travels until at least three of them are shrieking into the eardrums of all who live here. It is a problem for me since I actually cook, real food. every day. But even when it is a lazy night such as tonight, it is a source of irritation.

We got home late, kids were hungry ,so I threw a frozen pizza into the oven, twenty minutes later the alarms go off telling me that ...guess what?... the air is warmer. I open the oven door to remove pizza and they all go off, then Shadow (poodle) begins to whine and howl because it hurts his ears, I open the door to allow a breeze to come in and the alarms stop.

One day I was cooking a big meal and got tired of the one nearest going off so I removed the battery, in about twenty minutes all the emergency lights start flashing and all the remaining alarms start going off, I realize that any minute the sprinklers could start because I had messed with the system! So quickly I returned the battery and had to put up with the alarms every few minutes.

I know what will be sure to happen one day, I will be standing fanning the alarm while a real fire sneaks up behind me , because I am used to them going off!


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

     This is Mother's Day, I will say Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers across the land. I will say Happy Mother's Day to my mother who has lived in heaven since July 11, 1999. I miss her and I have been thinking about her all day. They are happy thoughts and memories of a wonderful mother.
     There are mother's and then there are mothers. Some do the basics that get the children grown, and then there are those that have a bond that last forever. A mother that one can talk to late into the night, and cry into their shoulder. A mother that one can pray with, laugh with , and play with. I had such a mother as this.
     One of my earliest memories is Mother reading to me "Chicken Little". She read to us children a lot. "Paul Bunyan", "The Sugar Creek Gang", the Bible, and countless other books. But she was a story teller too, she embellished every bedtime story ever written, to the extent that if you heard it as it was written it was quite boring. From this I gained my love of reading , and ...story telling.
     Mother gave the kitchen utensils for us to dig in the dirt with, hours were spent digging and building castles and frog houses. She taught us the long grass from the lily bed was really "spaghetti for the giants and they came to pick it at night, they might step on the houses so we better pick it first and cook it so they wont come." Gravels were beans, didn't we know? and she would show us the rocks in the beans when she looked them before cooking to prove it was so. My mother was not ashamed to play with her children...or grandchildren. From this I learned to enjoy my children.
     Mother was a great listener-- always ready to hear a problem or a happening. Sharing around the breakfast table was a common occurrence, bedtime talks were even more common. Listening and praying, were the things mother was sure to do.  From this I learned to listen, and care.
     Mother was always singing in the house, singing at church and singing in the car.  From this I learned to sing.
     My mother was not perfect, she was impatient, and she could be a little fireball, when she got her dander up. From this I learned, To try and be patient, keep my cool and control my temper...sometimes I succeed, and sometimes I don't.
     Happy Mother's Day Mommy, you are the best. <3

Friday, May 6, 2011

They Grow Up so Fast

     Reagan is a little man of six. Quite handsome, and engaging is he with his antics and expressions. He was bound to get the attention of a girl one day....I just didnt think it would be this soon! I was comfortable with it though and quite proud as he raced by screaming in terror "NO No No No No " as she ran behind him trying to catch him to kiss him.
     Later he tearfully told me ,"I dont want to get married! That girl was trying to kiss me and that means I am marrying " I held him and comforted and of course was so happy my baby wanted to stay with his mommy forever and ever......Two days later....
     We were all getting ready to go to the grocery store....as I washed his little grimy face, Reagan said ,"A girl kissed me right there". I stopped still and said, "What? a Girl kissed you?" "Yeah ", he said,"I got kissed by a girl". I was getting mad, that little girl chased my son down and forced a kiss on his screaming terrorized little personhood!
I remained calm, and gently asked,"Did you cry?" and he said ,"No I was dead on the ground like this ", as he slithered to the floor looking very dead,"and she kissed me so I could get alive again".
Grasping at straws I responded hopefully,"Well, I guess YOU wont be dead again huh?" He answered somberely,"OH I will be dead again tommorow! I will be dead again ALOT!"
My precious baby has been proselytized!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


     I sometimes wonder why so much sadness exists in the world. Last night I thought," if I have to hear one more report of death or bad news I cannot handle it"....But guess what? I had one more report...and I handled it...and I am still here.
     Five deaths in less than a week in my close family or friends circle, only two had to do with the storms. Many other sad and bad happenings along with it. Such a sad week, all in all. I hate writing about less than uplifting things, so I tried to find some good in the week and it really was hard for a while; because all my brain would stay fixed on, was the hurt and horror of it all. Then I began to see things---
      I have God who sustains my spirit and emotions and comforts me. Psalms 91.
     I have one truly great friend who lets me rant and doesn't judge.
I have a cute little boy who says just the right things to make me smile and look deeper at a situation.
     While driving, I saw, on the side of the road, Black-eyed susans and red clover standing thick and tall in the grass-- the promise of life and spring and hope to my eyes, at that moment. I saw dogwood blooming-- reminding me of Jesus and the just past Easter when we spoke of His sacrifice.
     As I sat on my porch, I heard the lady upstairs singing to her baby-- her voice truly beautiful. I had never heard her before...but the power was off and the windows were open...it was a blessing to hear .
     Through the devastation and wreckage, there are reminders that all is not lost and Hope is here for the tomorrows to come, we just need to seek out the hope and cling to it.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Storm Damage

   My power was restored today, after it went out during the severe storms and tornadoes a few days ago. I live in northeast Alabama and the damage is too severe to describe. I could write all day and still not replicate with words-- what the eye can not even comprehend. After living here for years and knowing the placement of businesses and residences, to see a pile of rubble, one can not remember what it was supposed to be-- it is so unrecognizable.
    Many deaths ,and  much destruction has affected everyone living here. Each family has a member or friend who has lost something or someone this week. I have lost an uncle and aunt, who were killed in the storm, and several family members lost their homes and all their possessions.
     I have merely been without power for several days, but even with that I was blessed with a pastor with a generator and a compassionate heart. I was able to provide food for my children and enjoy fellowship at the same time this week. I still came home to a dark house but I could have my children around me and entertain them with stories and songs. We didn't stay up as late, and the house wasn't as clean, but when all is said and done, the important things got done. Helping each other and being thankful for everything and everyone in our lives.
     On a lighter and yet poignant note....I had explained to Reagan that the wind and the storm was why we had no power, and he saw the devastated areas that were accessible. Today when we came home from church the power was on and he jumped around singing," we have lights and lights and more lights! and TV. and Computer, thanks Wind Thank you wind!" and then he looked at me and said," maybe the wind will blow back the houses and trees since it blew the power back on" If it could happen, it would fix everything would it not? But since it cannot happen let us pray for all the families please.


Monday, April 25, 2011

Day of the Pants

     I dont't air my dirty laundry on Facebook....Even some of Reagan's antics can never be told. This story is one of the "must never be told files"....except a friend urged me to blog it. So, throwing my dignity to the wind Here is what happened...On Easter Sunday Morning.....in front of God and everybody...
     I made sure everything was ready, Reagan's suit was ironed crispy , his shoes would fit nicely. Angela's new things were waiting, and her hair for once was almost laying nicely. While I was fixing my face, I told Jonathan, who was all ready dressed sharp and doing nothing, to help Reagan with his suit and tie.
     Time was getting away, Reagan ran in to show me himself and I quickly snapped a photo with my phone and ordered them to the car. We got to the church and I set to work checking rooms, and changing the cross cloth, making coffee. I was busy-- Reagan was running around. I remember having a thought about his pants being too big.
     People begin to arrive and as usual many played and talked with Reagan, he is everyone's friend. The service began, we sang, it was good...A wonderful lady sang, it was good. Pastor began his sermon...it was very good...I was engrossed as Reagan wallowed all over me. "Wow, Pastor's message is so good today, " I thought as Reagan laid over my lap ...I glanced down to see the fly of his pants staring up at me from his backside.....


I looked at Jonathan, he was engrossed..

at this point in time Angela got up and went to the bathroom, I usually go with her-- but with Reagan across my lap with his pants on backwards-- I just sat there. "Should I take him to the bathroom and fix him?" I thought, "no, he would begin to yell, thinking he was in trouble...should I leave him and go to angela and makes sure her shirt doesnt get tucked into her undies?" "no leaving him alone on easter with Pastor calling all to a closer walk is not a good idea." 
     Soon Angela is coming back, I turn to see her approach....barefoot....her pants...BACKWARDS...and INSIDE OUT....and yes her shirt tucked into them.--
My only reason for living is CHRIST AROSE

Sunday, April 24, 2011


     This morning I arrived at church early to take down the red/scarlet cloth from the cross and exchange it with a white one. Reagan, of course was helping and chatting away.I took down the satiny red one and folded it, he asked to hold it for me. He was chatting about the soft, prettiness of it. Suddenly he was quite and watching me as I placed the white one around the  cross,"Why are you putting a white one up there mommy?" he asked. I answered,"Because the white one means Jesus is alive and we are so happy".
He looked down at the one in his hands and said ,"This one is red". I said "Yes, isn't it so pretty?" With a grim face he answered,"Yeah, but it means He's just dead". he pointed to the white one on the cross and said smiling,"THAT ONE means he's ALIVE!"

Friday, April 22, 2011

It is Easter season and aside from the holiday's specific implications, Easter is a happy time for me because of flowers.
I love flowers and plants of all kinds, I love dirt I love to smell it and touch it and play in it and make things grow in it. But I digress....back to the flowers.
This time of year things are blooming and sprouting and filling the landscape with colour...how refreshing, new life, new smells, and new views.
 I was talking to someone yesterday who had no knowledge of such things outside of a flower garden. Where she lives if you have no flower garden you don't see flowers. I can not imagine such a thing. I began to think about all the beauty we have surrounding us here. Much of the beauty I love so much grows wild. I enjoy domestic flowers as well, tulips, daffodils, roses, azaleas, but the wild dog woods and clover and all the other plants are so beautiful and add so much to our life.
Lets all stop this Easter weekend and take notice of the beauty around us.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Keep Smiling...

I am writing this at the local library, why? because my computer died. I have to be careful because on this keyboard I am using the space bar only works 2/3 of the time, that means, when I think it is fine , zappo! it happens again and appears that I am not breathing between my words...I hate that. Yes computer is in the shop getting a new brain... bummer, but a new brain will be good, all fresh and unused, un virused and un- tarnished. Hey that sounds pretty good, especially since he is taking my files from the old one and putting them in the new. Would that not be the greatest thing ever? To have a new untarnished brain but yet having the good information intact? Since that cant happen outside of science fiction we will have to have the next best thing, replacement value. REPLACEMENT OF BRAIN?????  No, not quite. Replacement of thoughts, renewal of the brain. Get rid of old thought patterns and replace them with new. Toss out the junk and replace with good, positive, and visionary thoughts. Feed your mind on uplifting things and ideas. Build visions for tomorrow and begin to make them happen. When you feel like crawling under a rock, step into the sunshine, if its raining on your parade, just dance in the rain! How refreshing!
My computer will be better than before...I plan to make my mind better than before as well!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Living the Good Life

     Did you ever want to be a cartoon when you were a kid? My older brother wanted to be one, specifically Spider-man. I always thought it would be great to be Wile E. Coyote, not because he was a conniving thief, or that he was an underdog, but because no matter what happened to him....he came out unscathed. Sure a 1000 pound anvil fell on his head,but  he simply walked away like an accordion, only to return seconds later completely fine. He may be blown to bits by his own bomb, but he would rise intact for another try. Falling off a cliff may harm you and I--- but Wile E. Coyote left a ten foot hole in the ground only to climb out of it stronger than ever.
     To a child....well, lets face it, to ANYONE that would be a great thing, living life with all of its hurts, pitfalls, and disappointments, and just walking through unscathed! But the thing about Wile E. Coyote is, he never learned a lesson....he continued doing the same things over and over again, never growing in wisdom, never maturing, and never changing his mind.
     We live life, make mistakes, have hurts and sorrows...but hopefully, we don't live as cartoons. Hopefully we grow and mature, recognize problems and fix them. Hopefully forty years down the road we are not in the same place we started out.

The Way of It

     So yesterday it was so sunny and beautiful, I determined to spend some time in the lounge chair outside, and take in some rays. I was a good steward of my time though, and did all the things I needed to do first. Finally, I donned my swim suit, lounge chair, sunning spray, a book and trekked out to the side yard. Ahhhh this was great, for about half an hour, the sun warmed my skin and felt great. Just as I was about to doze off, a strange and new sensation brushed my skin. A cool breeze....a little discomforting....ahhhh warm again. Irritatingly, there it was again, I peeked out from under my lashes and discovered...a cloud was partially covering the sun. No big deal, it would go on over...But no...it did not. My sunning time should have ended then...technically it did, but I was too stubborn to quit, and stayed there until it dawned that I probably looked ridiculous to the neighbors. Not wanting to embarrass my children, I gathered my things and returned indoors.
Next time maybe I should sun first and be a good steward later. ;)

Monday, April 18, 2011


    It is amazing to me how many people don't seem to like to cook. I wonder if it is a dislike of cooking, or is it a lack of knowledge about cooking or just fear of creating something that is not good. When I was a young girl, I was a "can opener" I had no knowledge about cooking really aside from biscuit making. I also had a hefty dose of fear. I thought there had to be a "way" of doing and a great knowledge before one could be a real cook.  But soon I realized that if I was to enjoy meal times I was going to have to start experimenting.
     Never being one that enjoys ready made quick meals like hamburger meals with noodles and heat up frozen entrees, I set to work. I started out by adding to these ready meals adding an onion or a pepper extra noodles and spices. Soon I was losing the fear. I moved on to creating soups, and stews, experimenting with biscuit doughs, and cake mixes.
     I tried various ways of cooking fresh vegetables, steaming , broiling, sauteing, until I was satisfied with results. One step at a time I learned to cook mostly through trial and error. Then I visited my older relatives and wrote down things they had in their memories about recipes and cooking tips. They had forgotten more than I will ever know.
    I hope the art of cooking doesn't die away, mabe some day a young relative will visit me in my old age and ask me for tips I haven't forgotten yet.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


     This has not been my best day ever, I've been a little down. But with a little boy like Reagan in the house no one can stay down for long. Let me explain him to you. He is six years old and quite the little sweet heart. He was born and seemed quite normal. He did things a little different than most babies, but we didn't mind. At the age of about a year and a half old, he began to lose words, he knew many words up until then....but he just stopped saying them, and he stopped playing with us, he sat behind the recliner and played alone...lineing his toys up in rows.
     I recognized the symptoms and called specialists, and in the meantime we worked with him ourselves as a family. While he shunned hugs, we hugged anyway. While he withdrew, we followed. While he played alone, we sat beside him and played.
     For a couple of years he only echoed what he heard, and scenes from tv shows he liked. He was a little parrot. But little by little he began to come out of the shadows and join us. Through prayer and play and perserverance, Reagan of the "Reaganisms", was born. Believe it or not, its only been a year that he has began to talk and have actual conversations. The first time he said Well, I love you Mommy" I cried for a long time.
     Now I must share the latest "Reaganism" which is what we have named his little profound and often funny statements:
    Reagan runs up to me with face shining and a smile as big as the sun,"Well, Mommy I CLEANED THE TABLE!" Ethan says, you did?" Reagan smiles,"YEAH I SPIT! and then I used the towel and everything! ITS shiny!"
    It means so much more now that you know his story I hope!


Friday, April 15, 2011

stormy weather

     Storms bring out the worst, best and funniest in everyone. It has been cool windy, and rainy most of the day. In fact, very  windy and tornados close by. I have been sitting at the computer writing and since I live in an apartment I can hear neighbors as they come and go. I have to smile when I here the high pitched shrieks as they run in the cold pouring rain from their cars to their doors.
     People drive faster than they should in such weather, hoping to get home quicker, but it makes for bad tempers and dangerous situations.
     Even as the wind howls and the rain pours, my poor Shadow (poodle) has to go potty, but he won't go out in the rain! Unless of course I walk out with him....NOT A FUN TIME. I ask you, what is the difference in three inches of roof over my head as I wait for him? It isn't good enough... he stares pitifully, I must step out into the rain with him or he will go back inside and use the floor.
     I threaten him as I often do with making a hearth rug out of him...he smiles and wags.... because he knows I dont have a hearth.

Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning is always an experience! Almost like christmas, I find things I forgot I had, things I dont need , and things that make me exclaim, "what is that?"  This go round I found some Christmas angel ornaments that I never found in time for Christmas,and some winter gloves that I really need now that it is spring!. I found an unused Huggie diaper that I know will come in handy someday; so I stashed it in a box for the grandkids that I may have, finally, before I am seventy.
     I did part with clothes that are too large, for I plan ahead, never to need them; and kept some old craft magazines, because I know I will make those things one day. Quilting material is always a must, so, I have a box full that will make a snuggly quilt one day. In the meantime, I will use the beads from that pretty broken necklace to make a brand new one even preetier!
    I discovered my poodle, Shadow's, various hiding places for his rocks, (he should have been a geologist's doggie), that he brings in every day, also my missing wooden spoons were in his stash! I have yet to catch him getting one , but he must climb onto to the table to accomplish it.
     Yes spring cleaning is always a great deal of fun and nostalgia, Can't wait 'til fall cleaning and see what I find!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

     Many Native American's believed that their soul would be stolen if a photograph was taken of them. The Amish believe it is allowing a graven image to be made which is forbidden by God in the Bible.Most people while shunning a camerathemselves, readily fill their homes with photos of children, grandchildren and pets, so as to never forget a moment in time.
I have recently had to deal with loss and decide whether to choose dispair or contentment in the midst of it.
     My apartment was flooded twice this winter due to a faulty sprinkler system in the construction. The flood could have been worse than it was, I lost a computer, a number of books, photographs and paper work, not to mention clothes and other things.
     The computer , of course, was important, but my two prized possesions were my photographs and books, and that was the greatest loss to my heart.
I said before it could have been worse for I still have a number of books and the most prized are still in fine shape , but my phographs were many and now they are very few.
     I sorrowed for a while and then I thought, these photos contain no souls, I still have my family , some people only have photos, no family. And to mourn the loss more than a little would be to make it a graven image. I soon decided to be content, I dont need photographs to remember my children, and books with time can be replaced.
     God cares for me in good times as well as chaotic times, He never forgets me and provides all my needs one way or another. The clothes were soon replaced, and blessings poured in showing that He had not forgotten. He is always going to care for me.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Francine Rivers


Go check out the Contest and free book from Francine Rivers! I DID

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Today in history, Patrick Henry proclaimed the words, "Give me liberty or give me death!" Do people today fully appreciate those words, do they know the meaning of them? I pondered that for a while and I see around me great compromise.
Give me Liberty, or give me safety
Give me Liberty or give me free health care
Give me liberty or give me money
Whereas Liberty at one time in america was worth dying for, it has been replaced with an idea that if we have everything we want we no longer need liberty.
Patrick Henry and so many other great patriots and leaders knew what compromise would bring...without Liberty there is only bondage and where there is bondage there is no freedom.
Let us never forget the words and thier menaing"GIVE ME LIBERTY...OR GIVE ME DEATH!"

Thursday, March 10, 2011

LOST in K-MART, ...a Mother's Struggle to Find Herself...Cause the Kid Knew Where He was All Along

Went to K-mart today to clothes shop with teenage son. If that wasn't enough drama, take along a ten year old and a newly turned six year old, hyper-active, Calvin clone and be back in time for church. While teen and I looked at clothes with one eye and Calvin (REAGAN) with the other, Angela stood sweetly by watching. Reagan sat on the shelving, swam through the hanging clothes screaming in a gurgling drowning voice,"HELP ME" somebody, please help me", as he slowy sank lower.

On the way to socks and underwear suddenly Calvin, oops I mean Reagan disappeared, literally he was there one second right beside my left leg and the next he was not. I spun around, I called his name, I looked through clothes hanging. I called louder. I ran to adjoining aisles, nothing. I searched for about five whole minutes, and was begining to panic when a K-mart employee asked me if I needed help. Soon all the employees were on walkie talkies and his name was famous on the loud speaker....they were about to lock down the store when miraculously...we found him.

In the tiny walk way between undies and socks, THERE HE LAY... he said, "Look Mommy I found a mirror!" It was the security globe of black that caught his amazement to the point of blocking out the voices callinag his name and the hustle of people looking for him.

Yes I wanted to kill him as much as I was glad to see him alive! He innocently was amazed that everyone was upset.

He said,, "I was right here Mommy Was you lost?"